
My teaching and graduate supervision is mainly in the area of applied microeconomics, with and emphasis on Behavioral Economics and Labor Economics. I teach both graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. David B. Huffman

Distinguished Professor of Economics

Current graduate courses at University of Pittsburgh

  • Ph.D. course in Behavioral and Experimental Economics
  • Capstone course for professional masters program, Masters in Quantitative Economics (MQE)

Current undergraduate courses at University of Pittsburgh

  • Intermediate Microeconomics

Past graduate courses

  • Ph.D. course in Labor Economics (relational contracting) at University of Oxford
  • Ph.D. course in Behavioral Economics at University of Oxford
  • Ph.D. course in Behavioral Economics at University of Bonn

Past undergraduate courses

  • Risk Management at Wharton
  • Honors Seminar in Behavioral Economics at Swarthmore College
  • Experimental Economics at Swarthmore College
  • Introduction to Economics at Swarthmore College
  • Tutoring for introductory microeconomics, core microeconomics, quantitative economics at University of Oxford